Agenda item

*To consider a report



ACO Evans submitted the 2017/18 first quarter report on the Corporate Services programme, projects to date and performance against Corporate Services performance indicators and associated targets. A number of the projects were reporting as Amber.


Work on enhancements to the Community Safety Activities application had been deferred, as the Business Improvement Team had been fully deployed on iTrent during the last period. It was anticipated that this would improve to Green for the next reporting period.


The HR Payroll Systems and Services project was also reporting as Amber and it was likely that the project would conclude with an Amber rating as the project costs had overrun.


The VDI project was reporting as Amber as the remaining 10% of users had not yet been migrated to VDI due to the complexities involved in migrating users who needed access to other systems, such as Control, Finance and Payroll. The successful recruitment to system engineer posts would hopefully resolve this issue. Overall, the introduction of VDI had been incredibly successful and feedback from service users was very positive.


The status of the Training Centre Administration project was also rated as Amber.


ACO Evans then reported on the performance information for the reporting period. All of the ICT indicators were reporting as Green.


She advised that the Chair had identified an error in the original performance report and indicator WS1a (Grade A defect response time (within 1 hour)) was Amber and not Green as indicated within the report. There was not an exception report available for this indicator at present.


The Chair requested that an exception report be circulated to Members of the Group as soon as it was available.


In relation to WS2a (Grade A defect response time (within 2 hours)), which was also rated as Amber, performance had been affected by two incidents. One occurred over the Bank Holiday weekend and one involved a defective seat that could not be repaired immediately.


FNP6 (percentage of debt over 90 days old) was reporting as Red for the period. The Head of Finance and Treasurer advised that £5,573 was outstanding at the end of the reporting period. However, there had been a downward trend and the outstanding figure at the end of August 2017 was £810. The majority of outstanding debt related to special services that were chargeable. Those charges in dispute were removed from reporting against this indicator and the debts reported were all being chased for payment. The Service pursued outstanding debt using a variety of methods, including small claims court and attachment of earnings.


The property indicators were all reporting as Green. These were year-end figures for 2016-17.


It was suggested that an indicator measuring the use of diesel be reported to the Group for information.


The Chair commented that this could be considered at the annual target-setting meeting.



1.         That the progress made on Corporate Services Programmes and Performance be acknowledged.

2.         That an exception report for WS1a be circulated to Members of the Group as soon as it is available.

3.         That consideration be given to the inclusion of an indicator on diesel usage at the Group’s annual target setting meeting in March 2018.


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