Agenda item

To consider a report


The Assistant Chief Officer and Treasurer introduced his report on the forecast year-end budget monitoring position as at 31 October 2023 and

presenting the 2024/25 budget/council tax consultation question for consideration by Members.


The draft budget consultation question was as follows:


The Fire and Rescue Authority, like you, has faced increasing costs due to inflationary pressures. In particular we have seen cost increases in electricity, gas, vehicle fuel, supplies & services and pay impact on our budgets. In order to assist in managing these cost increases, the Fire and Rescue Authority are currently planning our budget for next year and are considering a council tax increase of 2.99%, which would be £3.28 per year for a Band D property. This would increase the Band D council tax charge for your Fire and Rescue Service from £109.45 to £112.73 per year. Would you support this increase to invest in and protect your local Fire and Rescue Service?”


The Authority had previously been advised of the additional £460,000 of business rate income received, a £9,000 service grant, £153,000 Protection Grant, and £707,000 of additional investment income. This, however, was partially offset by the additional salary costs arising from the recent pay awards.


In relation to the Capital Programme, Members approval was sought for the early purchase of four response vehicles, currently scheduled for purchase in 2024/25, as this was identified as an area of potential operational risk.


The Assistant Chief Officer explained the unbudgeted expenditure on kitchens in Stopsley, Luton, Dunstable and Bedford as a result of environmental audits was funded through an earmarked reserve.


In response to a question about whether staff were at risk prior to these urgent property works being undertaken, the Assistant Chief Officer advised that he would provide a full written response to Members detailing the reasons for the works taking place. This would include the frequency of environmental audits on Service buildings.


The Chair referred to paragraph 3.9 of the report and emphasised the importance of ensuring that the Service estate was accessible to all. She sought assurances that all works to enhance service user experiences and comfort should be completed as a matter of priority.


The Assistant Chief Officer stated that the Property Manager had met with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Manager regarding works required and that these would be progressed.


The Chief Fire Officer added that the Service was currently working towards the development of a model specification for our fire stations blueprint and that this would include EDI considerations. A more collaborative approach around estates was being proposed and this had been the topic of a Chief Executives Forum workshop facilitated by the Service. A further workshop on estates would be held in the New Year.



1. That the updates provided within the report and the forecast year end position be acknowledged.

2. That the early purchase of four response vehicles currently scheduled for

2024/25 be approved.

3. That it be noted that the unbudgeted expenditure on kitchens is due as a result of Environmental Audits and covered by Earmarked Reserves.

4. That the 2024/25 budget consultation question as set out in paragraph 4 be approved.

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