Agenda item

To consider a report


The Chief Fire Officer introduced an action plan to update the Members’ Handbook following the review of governance undertaken by the Local Government Association (LGA). The objectives of the review had been: to future proof governance arrangements; reform the governance arrangements to support a long-term professional partnership between Officers and Members; to make the Authority more accountable to the public; and to raise the visibility of the Authority and inform the public about what it does and why.


Areas for improvement as well as areas of good practice had been identified during the review. In this respect, Mr S Frank, the Service’s Head of Strategic Support and Assurance, was attending an HMICFRS Chief and Chairs event to speak about this Service’s engagement with the local community.


A draft action plan had been developed following the conclusion of the review, including actions such as the provision of a new Member Development Programme and updating the constitutional aspects of the Members’ Handbook. Members would be kept apprised of any progress.


The Chair commented that some of the actions identified called for high levels of Member engagement and involvement, and suggested that a Task and Finish Group be constituted to undertake some of this work.


In relation to the recommendation to consider extending the tenure of the Chair, Councillor Headley commented that this may require a change to the Combination Scheme.


Mr G Britten, the Monitoring Officer, confirmed that this was the case, as the election of a Chair on an annual basis was set out in the Scheme. He added that, although it was unlikely that the Scheme would be amended by Government, Members could consider coming to an arrangement whereby the Chair could stand down and then be re-elected without opposition.


The recommendation that the Authority consider extending the tenure of the Chair had originally been mooted by the LGA (but not included in the action plan) as the White Paper had expressed a preference for a single point of contact.


It was noted that further clarification would be required in relation to the action on member appointments, as this could apply to the appointments of Members to the Authority or to the appointments made by Members for certain Principal Officer roles. Currently, the Members of Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire Council were appointed for four-year terms, with Luton re-appointing on an annual basis, leading to less continuity in the membership from that authority. The Leader of Luton Borough Council had been requested to make the appointments on the same basis as the other constituent authorities, but this had not yet been formally agreed in writing.


Councillor Headley also requested clarification in relation to the actions relating to the website and expressed the view that the date included in the report may need to be reviewed. Actions should also be worded in a way that reflected that Members were being asked to consider whether to approve or adopt any changes to the Members’ Handbook rather than ‘agree’ as stated in the draft action plan.


Arising from discussions, it was acknowledged that the Chair of the Executive and the Chair of the full Authority did not necessarily need to be held by the same individual, although from conversations with LGA representatives and in light of the White Paper, it may be beneficial for this to be the case.


The Chair asked the Chief Fire Officer to identify actions which would benefit from Member involvement and then consideration could be given to delegating responsibility for this to a Task and Finish Group.


The Chief Fire Officer replied that he would prepare a report for submission to the Executive Committee.


The Chair requested that the LGA Equality and Diversity Charter and the Fire Standard Code of Ethics be circulated to all Members of the Authority for information.



That the action plan be approved subject to the requested amendments being made.


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