Agenda and minutes

Venue: Whitefield Room, King's House, 245 Ampthill Road, Bedford MK42 9AZ

Contact: John Atkinson, Secretary/Monitoring Officer 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P Duckett, M Headley and I Shingler.



Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests

Members are requested to disclose the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and any other interests as required by the Fire Authority’s Code of Conduct (see note below).


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interests.





The Chair advised that he circulated regular communications to Members of the Authority for information. An update on one of these items, the Future of Fire Reform White Paper, was being discussed later in the meeting.


The Chair reported that he was exercising his discretion to add an item to the agenda to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 9 July 2021.


Members thanked the Chief Fire Officer for the work undertaken to arrange the funeral of the late Chief Fire Officer, Paul Fuller. The support from Bedfordshire Police and other partners was also recognised.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2021




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2021 be confirmed as a true record.



Public Participation

To receive any questions put to the Authority under the Public Participation Scheme


Members noted that no questions had been received in accordance with the public participation scheme approved at the meeting of the Fire and Rescue Authority held on 5 April 2000 (Minute 99/fa/94 refers).



Annual Overarching 2020/21 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 722 KB

To consider a report


The Chief Fire Officer introduced the overarching performance report for year end 2020/21 that was aligned to the Service’s strategic objectives and the Authority was provided with a summary of performance for each area as set out below.


The Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer advised that the Service was now strongly committed to providing greater clarity around data and intelligence and was using this as a tool to improve performance going forward. A revised and expanded set of Key Performance Indicators had been developed, with approximately 250 indicators measured at the corporate level. The indicators were now more aligned with Home Office statistics and those used by the HMICFRS inspection regime.


The proportion of targets RAG rated as green had increased from 64% in 2019/20 to 68% in 2020/21.




There had been an increase in the number of primary fire injuries where the victim went to hospital and an increase in the number of deliberate primary dwelling fires. 12 injuries had been deemed as suitably serious and 23 injuries required outpatient treatment only.


The number of Safe and Well visits delivered had not reached its target, but the Service had delivered 16% more of these visits in 2020/21 than in the previous year and it was suggested that the target would have been met if prevention work had not been paused during the first lockdown period. An online referral portal had been developed and was now operational. Self-referrals were accepted and the Service had promoted the uptake of Safe and Well visits at vaccination centres and other community locations. The Chief Fire Officer commented whilst the target had not been met due to the impact of the pandemic, the number delivered in 2020/21 was the highest on record which is a fantastic achievement.


Three fire fatalities had been recorded during the reporting period, one each in August 2020, October 2020 and February 2021. These had been investigated and followed up with targeted risk reduction activity. A new multi-agency sub-group of the pan-Bedfordshire Safeguarding Board had been formed to determine if there were any lessons that could be learnt from any fire fatality or serious fire.


In response to a question on deliberate fires, Strategic Operational Commander Evans advised that the Service was aware of the recent spate of deliberate fires involving ice cream vans and that these were not classified as dwelling fires unless the fire spread to the dwelling. In relation to the number of deliberate fires that were investigated by the Police and led to successful prosecutions, he reported that the Police did advise the Service of successful prosecutions but that there was a significant time lag. The difficulties involved in investigating such incidents was acknowledged. Information on the number of prosecutions secured during the last 12 month period could be circulated to Members.




The number of automatic fire detector false alarms in non-domestic properties attended had not reached its target but had performed well against the five-year average as additional challenge had been introduced into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21-22/FRA/20


Fire Report White Paper Update

Verbal update


The Chief Fire Officer advised that the release of the White Paper had been delayed and was now not expected until after the summer recess. No major changes were expected.



That the update be received.



Revenue Budget and Capital Monitoring Programme pdf icon PDF 418 KB

To consider a report


The Assistant Chief Officer introduced his report on the forecast year-end budget monitoring position as at 30 June 2021. At that time, there were no variances forecast in the non-salary budgets. An overspend of £194,000 in salary budgets was being reported due to the pay award. The full year impact of the pay award for Grey Book staff was estimated as £260,000. It was being recommended to the Authority that this be funded from a drawdown of the pay earmarked reserve. A potential 1.5% for Green Book staff had been proposed but had not yet been agreed and this could add an additional £94,000 budget pressure.


The Service had been awarded a grant of £35.4k to fund additional costs relating to Sergeant/McCloud Fire Fighter Pension administration costs, which it was anticipated would be incurred over a number of years.


In relation to the Capital Programme, a request had been made to slip the BA Set, Cylinders and Ancillaries project into 2022/23 as, due to Covid-19, the release of new technology had been delayed and only one of the three major suppliers had currently released upgrades to this equipment.


The current savings and efficiencies programme was appended to the report for information.


The Assistant Chief Officer identified pensions and the Emergency Services Network as future potential areas of budget pressure.



1.         That the updates provided within the report be acknowledged.

2.         That the request in paragraph 3.4.1 to slip the capital schemes into 2022/23 be agreed.

3.         That the Pay Earmarked Reserve be drawn down to offset the in-year forecast overspend due to the unbudgeted pay award in paragraph 2.4.2 of the report.



Treasury Management Annual Report pdf icon PDF 305 KB

To consider a report


The Assistant Chief Officer and Treasurer introduced the Authority’s Annual Report for Treasury Management for 2020/21.


The Authority currently held long term debt to the value of £9,987 million through the Public Works Loan Board at an interest rate of 4.27%. There were high penalties for overpayment of the debt and this could not be rescheduled to take advantage of lower interest rates.


Of the Authority’s current investments, approximately £13 million of this was held in UK banks with the remaining £5 million being held in foreign banks. This demonstrated a spread of investment geographically. There was also a spread of term length.


In response to a question about the availability of reserves, the Assistant Chief Officer advised that the reserves were either set aside to fund specific projects or were money available. Consideration was being given to loan to other local public bodies at a preferential rate, which would be beneficial to both parties.


The Authority then discussed ethical investments, and how difficult it was to determine whether the Authority’s investments were being invested ethically. Advice could be requested from the Authority’s treasury management advisors, Link Asset Services on this issue.


The Authority currently held £16.751 million in reserves, £13,505 million of this in earmarked reserves. Investment income of £83,993 had been achieved during the year.



That the report be received.



Horizon Scan Workshop

To receive a verbal update


The Chief Fire Officer provided an update following the horizon scan workshop that had taken place on 6 July 2021. Members, Officer and key stakeholders had been involved in the workshop and a report on the feedback would be submitted to the next meeting of the Authority.


Members commented positively on the workshop.



That the update on the horizon scan workshop be received.



Member Development Programme



The Assistant Chief Officer referred to an email that had been circulated to Members outlining suggestions for future Member Development Days. These included the emergency cover review, Treasury Management training, the role of Authority Members, the Members Code of Conduct, a Code of Ethics, equality, diversity and inclusion, update on building safety, fire regulation and station visits. A visit to Control was also suggested.



That the list of Member development topics be recirculated and programmed into the current Member Development Programme.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 290 KB

To consider a report


The Chief Fire Officer presented the current Work Programme to the Authority, highlighting that reports on the fire protection standards and Statement of Accounts had been added to the agenda for the Authority’s next meeting.

A Work Programme had also been introduced for the Executive Committee.


The Chief Fire Officer advised that a report on the return on investment analysis of providing support to the East of England Ambulance Service would be presented to Members at the next meeting of the FRA. A sustainable funding model would need to be agreed to continue service delivery as the Home Office had indicated that no additional Covid grant funding would be made available.



That the work programme be received.



Information Bulletin (April to June) pdf icon PDF 737 KB

To consider a report



The Chief Fire Officer introduced the information bulletin for 1 April to 30 June 2021 and commented that the Service continued to consider ways in which the bulletin could be presented in a more engaging way.



That the information bulletin be received.



Appointments of Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer

Report to follow



That, pursuant to Sections 100A(2) and 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the discussion of the following item on the grounds that the matters to be discussed involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended):




28.       Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 9 July 2021

29.       Appointment of Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer


The meeting closed at 11.53am.


(Note: The Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer and the Acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer left the meeting before the discussion of the exempt items.)